During his work on Cao Cao, Guo Jia had a great influence in giving advice. When Liu Bei asked for asylum, he persuaded Cao Cao to accept Liu Bei in order to avoid public dissatisfaction. He also assured Cao Cao that Yuan Shao is not to be feared. In accordance with the words of Guo Jia, Yuan Shao can ultimately conquered. Guo Jia also stressed the importance of complete conquest of the sons of Yuan Shao who fled to the north. He said: "Although the fame of His Majesty heard across the country, but people in the deserts of the north are not afraid of us because it relies on hard terrain in the region. Currently they are not ready to stand against us. So my advice is that we attack and we must master them. They must be destroyed before it difficult for us. "
He continued, "The issue Liu Biao will attack, it's just a mere issue. Liu Biao could not carry a great responsibility, although a small one he can. You could leave the capital with a sense of security, it will not happen." Guo Jia is a Cao Cao faithful guide to the end: he died at a young age, 37 years. Cao Cao was devastated over this incident.
"If Fengxiao still alive, he can definitely prevent me from being destroyed as it is today." - Cao Cao, Battle of Chibi
Portrait of Guo Jia from Romance of Three Kingdoms XI

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